I am porting my app from lucene 2.X(solr 1.3) to lucene 3.X(solr 3.5). The
following is my issue.

This one was valid in 2.X, but 3.5 throws me an error.

IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open("/home/path/to/my/dataDir");

2.X accepted a string, but 3.5 strictly wants a Directory object. I find
Directory to be abstract and the only way to instantiate it seems a

How do I go about this and how do I point my reader to the desired

P.S : Our application needs a custom logic this way and hence instead of
going with cores, we do it this way.

With Thanks and Regards,
Ramprakash Ramamoorthy,
Engineer Trainee,
Zoho Corporation.
+91 9626975420

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