Hi all,

It seems that DIH always holds two connections open to the database.
One of them is almost always 'idle in transaction'. It may sometimes
seem to do a little work but then it goes idle again.

datasource definition:
        <dataSource name="df-stream-store-ds"
jndiName="java:ext_solr_datafeeds_dba" type="JdbcDataSource"
autoCommit="false" batchSize="10000" />

We have a datasource defined in the jndi:
                <new-connection-sql>SELECT 1</new-connection-sql>

If we set autocommit to true then we get an OOM on indexing so that is
not an option.

Does anyone have any idea why this happens? I would guess that DIH
doesn't close the connection, but reading the code I can't be sure of
this. The ResultSet object should close itself once it reaches the


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