
How exactly does SolrCloud handle split brain situations?

Imagine a cluster of 10 nodes.
Imagine 3 of them being connected to the network by some switch and imagine the 
out port of this switch dies.
When that happens, these 3 nodes will be disconnected from the other 7 nodes 
and we'll have 2 clusters, one with 3 nodes and one with 7 nodes and we'll have 
a split brain situation.  
Imagine we had 3 ZK nodes in the original 10-node cluster, 2 of which are 
connected to the dead switch and are thus aware only of the 3 node cluster now, 
and 1 ZK instance which is on a different switch and is thus aware only of the 
7 node cluster.

At this point how exactly does ZK make SolrCloud immune to split brain?

Does LBHttpSolrServer play a key role here? (I see LBHttpSolrServer mentioned 
only once on http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloud and with a question mark 
next to it)

Performance Monitoring for Solr / ElasticSearch / HBase - 

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