I have been putting together an application using Quartz to run several 
indexing jobs in sequence using SolrJ and Tomcat on Windows. I would like the 
Quartz job to do the following:

1.       Delete index directories from the cores so each indexing job starts 
fresh with empty indexes to populate.

2.       Start the Tomcat server.

3.       Run the indexing job.

4.       Stop the Tomcat server.

5.       Copy the index directories to an archive.

Steps 2-5 work fine, but I haven't been able to find a way to delete the index 
directories from within Java. I also can't delete them from a Windows command 
shell window: I get an error message that says "Access is denied". The reason 
for this is that the index directories and files have the owner 
"BUILTIN\Administrators". Although I am an administrator on this machine, the 
fact that these files have a different owner means that I can only delete them 
in a Windows command shell window if I start it with "Run as administrator". I 
spent a bunch of time today trying every Java function and Windows shell 
command I could find that would let me change the owner of these files, grant 
my user account the capability to delete the files, etc. Nothing I tried 
worked, likely because along with not having permission to delete the files, I 
also don't have permission to give myself permission to delete the files.

At a certain point I stopped wondering how to change the files owner or 
permissions and started wondering why the files have "BUILTIN\Administrators" 
as owner, and the permissions associated with that owner, in the first place. 
Is there somewhere in the Solr or Tomcat configuration files, or in the SolrJ 
code, where I can set who the owner of files written to the index directories 
should be?

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