On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 6:50 PM, mcb <thestreet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a function query that returns miles as a score along two points:
> q={!func}sub(sum(geodist(OriginCoordinates,39,-105),geodist(DestinationCoordinates,36,-97),Mileage),1000)
> The issue that I'm having now now my results give me a list of scores:
> *score:10.1 (mi)
> score: 20 (mi)
> score: 75 (mi)
> *
> But I would like to also add a clause that cuts off the results after X
> miles (say 50) so that 75 above would not be included in the results.
> Unfortunately I can't say fq=score:[0 TO 50], but perhaps there is another
> way? I'm on solr 4.0

If you want to cut off the whole function at 75, then frange can do that:
q={!frange u=75}sub(sum(...



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