Hi all,

when querying my solr instance, the answers I get
are the document IDs of my docs. Here is how one of my docs
looks like:

-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --
        <field name="text">hello solar!</field>
        <field name="id">123</field>
-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --

here is the response if I query for "solar" :

-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --
    <lst name="responseHeader"></lst>
    <result name="response" numFound="1" start="0" maxScore="1.0">
        <doc><float name="score">1.0</float>
        <str name="id">123</str></doc>
-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --

which is, solr gives me the doc ID. How to retrieve the doc's field "text"
given its id ?


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