> I deviate from the examples by creating multiple cores
> (artits,tracks,
> albums)
> my boost is:
> <str name="qf">song^4 artist^4 album</str>
>       <str name="pf">song
> artist^4</str>
>       <str
> name="pf2">artist^8</str>
> One thing that is being tough is coming with the right
> boosting. What I'm
> doing is that if the user enters a free text, I search into
> 3 fields
> (track, album, artist). So let's say:
> Adele someone like you.
> My problem is that I have some songs (ring tones) which have
> the song name
> with Adele on it, and those are being ranked higher than a
> song by Adele.
> For instance:
> <song>Adele - Someone Like You ringtone</song>
> <artist>Ringtone of Adele song</artist>
> ranks higher than:
> <song>someone like you</song>
> <artist>Adele</artist>
> I can see why using debug, as the first result gets more
> "points" on its
> score for having adele, someone and "adele someone" on the
> song. I was
> wondering if there's an way out of this type of situation.

I think this is expected because first result contains whole query in the same 
order. pf parameter kicks in. I would punish ringtone type documents using bq 
parameter. Something like that 
&bq=(*:* -song:ringtone)^100 

If you can create additional field like songType={ringtone, ...} at index time, 
you can faceting to filter results.

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