I think you could disable Solr caches by setting their size to 0 (deleting
them won't work, as for example, the FieldValueCache will take default
values, not sure about the other ones). I don't think you'll be able to
disable Lucene's Field Cache.

What's the test that you want to run? Why do you not want caches for it?

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Bruno Mannina <bmann...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi Solr Users,
> I would like for my test disable the cache fonction, so I modified all
> information concerning cache in solrconfig.xml
> but after restarting my Tomcat cache is always here.
> Do you think I forgot something?
> Requests are done with QTime=1 or QTime=0
> and with this rapidity my program losts information.
> I would like to do some tests less quickly?
> Thanks a lot,
> Bruno

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