On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Aaron Daubman <daub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've been digging in to this for two days now and have come up short -
> hopefully there is some simple answer I am just not seeing:
> I have a solr 1.4.1 instance and a solr 3.6.0 instance, both configured as
> identically as possible (given deprecations) and indexing the same document.

Why did you do this? If you want the exact same scoring, use the exact
same analysis.
This means specifying luceneMatchVersion = 2.9, and the exact same
analysis components (even if deprecated).

> I have taken the field values for the example below and run them
> through /admin/analysis.jsp on each solr instance. Even for the problematic
> docs/fields, the results are almost identical. For the example below, the
> t_tag values for the problematic doc:
> 1.4.1: 162 values
> 3.6.0: 164 values

This is why: you changed your analysis.


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