You can collapse in each Shards as a separate query....

Lance Norskog <> wrote:

How do you separate the documents among the shards? Can you set up the
shards such that one "collapse group" is only on a single shard? That
you never have to do distributed grouping?

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Tirthankar Chatterjee
<> wrote:
> This wont work, see my thread on Solr3.6 Field collapsing
> Thanks,
> Tirthankar
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Burton-West <>
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 18:39:25
> To:<>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Cc: William Dueber<>; Phillip Farber<>
> Subject: Scalability of Solr Result Grouping/Field Collapsing:
>  Millions/Billions of documents?
> Hello all,
> We are thinking about using Solr Field Collapsing on a rather large scale
> and wonder if anyone has experience with performance when doing Field
> Collapsing on millions of or billions of documents (details below. )  Are
> there performance issues with grouping large result sets?
> Details:
> We have a collection of the full text of 10 million books/journals.  This
> is spread across 12 shards with each shard holding about 800,000
> documents.  When a query matches a journal article, we would like to group
> all the matching articles from the same journal together. (there is a
> unique id field identifying the journal).  Similarly when there is a match
> in multiple copies of the same book we would like to group all results for
> the same book together (again we have a unique id field we can group on).
> Sometimes a short query against the OCR field will result in over one
> million hits.  Are there known performance issues when field collapsing
> result sets containing a million hits?
> We currently index the entire book as one Solr document.  We would like to
> investigate the feasibility of indexing each page as a Solr document with a
> field indicating the book id.  We could then offer our users the choice of
> a list of the most relevant pages, or a list of the books containing the
> most relevant pages.  We have approximately 3 billion pages.   Does anyone
> have experience using field collapsing on this sort of scale?
> Tom
> Tom Burton-West
> Information Retrieval Programmer
> Digital Library Production Service
> Univerity of Michigan Library
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Lance Norskog

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