This is quite possible if you have multiple commits
between replications. You should _not_ depend on
the version number of an index changing in a pre-defined
way, it'll increase on a commit, but that's about all you
can really count on...

The slaves do not increment the index version, they just
get it from the master...


On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Xin Li <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into an issue lately with Index version & generation for Solr 3.5.
> In Solr 1.4., the index version of slave service increments upon each
> replication. However, I noticed it's not the case for Solr 3.5; the
> index version would increase 20, or 30 after replication. Does anyone
> know why and any reference on the web for this?
> The index generation does still increment after replication though.
> Thanks,
> Xin

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