> We have a pretty standard
> out-of-the-box solr/jetty setup.  Using the web
> UI at /solr/admin/logging, for WARNING or SEVERE we get less
> logging, but
> none of CONFIG, FINE or FINEST result in any *more* logging
> than just at
> Is there another place to look for something that might be
> controlling
> that?  Maybe a threshold=INFO somewhere?  We've
> been unable to find
> anything.
> We're trying to turn up logging because our solr indexing
> server is hanging
> at least once a day and we're trying to find out why. 
> It becomes
> unresponsive and we have to kill -9 it.
Taken from solr-trunk/solr/example/README.txt

"By default, Solr will log to the console. This can be convenient when first 
getting started, but eventually you will want to log to a file. To enable 
logging, you can just pass a system property to Jetty on startup:

java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=etc/logging.properties -jar start.jar
This will use Java Util Logging to log to a file based on the config in
etc/logging.properties. Logs will be written in the logs directory. It is
also possible to setup log4j or other popular logging frameworks."

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