
On my windows workstation I have tried to index a document into a SolrCloud instance with the following "special" configuration:
      <str name="dir">${solr.data.dir:}</str>
That is commit every 20 minutes and soft commit every 10 minutes.

Right after indexing I can find the document using /get (and not using /search) and after 10 minutes I can find it as well using /search. If I stop Solr using Ctrl+C or kill -9 (from my cygwin console) before the 10 minutes have passed and starts Solr again then I can find the document using both /get and /search.

Are there any scenarios where I will loose an indexed document before either commit or soft commit is trigged?
And does the transaction log have anything to do with this...

Thanks in advance.

Best regards Trym

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