And QTime doesn't include the time spent in the container (e.g., Tomcat or Jetty) or network latency. Usually a query benchmark would be from the time the client sent the query request until the time the client received the query results.

The debug timing will help you understand which Solr components are consuming the time. For example, the highlighter, but that is still part of overal "query processing" time.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Sujatha Arun
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 8:58 AM
Subject: Qtime Vs DebugComponent Timing

Whats the difference between the QTime that gets  returned in the xml
results vs the debugComponet  Qparser timing break up and which one should
be considered for benchmarking performance of solr?

I understand that Qtime is total time take by solr  to execute a search in
ms . But Qparser breakup in the debugComponent does not exactly reflect
this  ...So which one should be used for benchmark purpose?


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