Run a query on both old and new with &debugQuery=true on your query request and 
look at the component timings for possible insight.

-- Jack Krupansky

From: Sujatha Arun 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 7:26 AM
Subject: Performance Degradation on Migrating from 1.3 to solr 3.6.1


On migrating from 1.3 to 3.6.1  , I see the query performance degrading by 
nearly 2 times for all types of query.  Indexing performance slight degradation 
over 1.3 For Indexing we use our custom scripts that post xml over HTTP.

Any thing that I might have missed . I am thinking that this might be due to 
new Tiered MP over LogByteSize creating more segment files and hence more the 
Query latency .We are using Compound Files in 1.3  and I have set this to true 
even in 3.6.1 ,but results in more segement files

On optimizing the query response time improved beyond 1.3  .So could it be the 
MP or am i missing something here . Do let me know

Please find attached the solrconfig.xml


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