I'm trying to find documents using this query:

field:"value" OR (*:* AND NOT field:[* TO *])

Which means, either field is set to "value" or the field does not exist in
the document.

I'm running this for ~20 fields in a single query strung together with
ANDs. The query time is high, averaging around 3.5s. Does anyone have
suggestions on how to optimize this query? As a last resort, using
technologies outside of Solr is a possibility.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time and efforts,

PS. For the record, a colleague and I have brainstormed some idea of our

* Adding a meta field to each document that consists of 1s and 0s, where
each character represents a field's existence (1 yes, 0 no). In this case
the query would look like: field:"value" OR signature:???????0???????   
So we are looking for a certain field (the 0) that definitely does not
exist and all the others we do not care about (wildcard). Note that this
would have to be a leading wildcard query or we could prepend a dummy
character to beginning. A bit of a hack.

* Using bitwise operations to find all documents whose set of fields is a
subset of they query's set of fields. This would be more work and would
require writing a custom query parser or search handler.

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