Hi Chris,

To answer your question, I tried both -Dsolr.solr.home and solr/home JNDI variable, in both cases I got the same result.

I checked the logs several times, solr always only loads up the collection1, if I rename the cores on solr.xml to anything else or add more cores, nothing happens.

Even if I put some garbage on solr.xml, by removing closing tags, no exception is generated.

I'm running Tomcat 7 and Solr 4 on Xubuntu 10.04, but I don't think the OS is the problem, I'll do the same test on other OSes.

-----Mensagem Original----- From: Chris Hostetter
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:38 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org ; rogerio.ara...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Multicore setup is ignored when deploying solr.war on Tomcat 5/6/7

: on Tomcat I setup the system property pointing to solr/home path,
: unfortunatelly when I start tomcat the solr.xml is ignored and only the

Please elaborate on how exactly you pointed tomcat at your solr/home.

you mentioned "system property" but when using system properties to set
the Solr Home" you wnat to set "solr.solr.home" .. "solr/home" is the JNDI
variable name used as an alternative.

if you look at the logging when solr first starts up, you should ese
several messages about how/where it's trying to locate the Solr Home Dir
... please double check that it's finding the one you intended.

Please give us more details about those log messages related to the solr
home dir, as well as how you are trying to set it, and what your directory
structure looks like in tomcat.

If you haven't seen it yet...



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