If it worked before and does not work now, I don't think you are doing anything 
wrong :)

Do you have a different version of your JDBC driver?
Can you make a unit test with a minimal DIH script and schema?
Or, scan through all of the JIRA issues against the DIH from your old Solr 
capture date.

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Dominik Siebel" <m...@dsiebel.de>
| To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
| Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:22:54 PM
| Subject: Fwd: DIH throws NullPointerException when using 
dataimporter.functions.escapeSql with parent entities
| Hi folks,
| I am currently migrating our Solr servers from a 4.0.0 nightly build
| (aprox. November 2011, which worked very well) to the newly released
| 4.0.0 and am running into some issues concerning the existing
| DataImportHandler configuratiions. Maybe you have an idea where I am
| going wrong here.
| The following lines are a highly simplified excerpt from one of the
| problematic imports:
| <entity name="path" rootEntity="false" query="SELECT p.id, IF(p.name
| IS NULL, '', p.name) AS name FROM path p GROUP BY p.id">
|         <entity name="item" rootEntity="true" query="
|                         SELECT
|                                 i.*,
| CONVERT('${dataimporter.functions.escapeSql(path.name)}' USING
| utf8) AS path_name
|                         FROM items i
|                         WHERE i.path_id = ${path.id}" />
| </entity>
| While this configuration worked without any problem for over half a
| year now, when upgrading to 4.0.0-BETA AND 4.0.0 the Import throws
| the
| followeing Stacktrace and exits:
|  SEVERE: Exception while processing: path document :
| null:org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandlerException:
| java.lang.NullPointerException
| which is caused by
| Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
|         at
| In other words: The EvaluatorBag doesn't seem to resolve the given
| path.name variable properly and returns null.
| Does anyone have any idea?
| Appreciate your input!
| Regards
| Dom

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