A big difference if you are using tomcat is that you still need to
specify jetty.port - unless you change the name of that sys prop in

Some more below:

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Luis Cappa Banda <luisca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> How are you?I followed SolrCloud Wiki tutorial and noticed that all worked
> perfectly with Jetty and with a very basic configuration. My first
> impression was that SolrCloud is amazing and I´m interested on deploying a
> more complex and near-production environment SolrCloud architecture with
> tests purposes. I´m using Tomcat as application server, so I´ve started
> testing with it.
> I´ve installed Zookeper sevice in a single machine and started up with the
> following configuration:
> *1.)*
> ~zookeperhome/conf/zoo.cfg
> *tickTime=2000*
> *initLimit=10*
> *syncLimit=5*
> *dataDir=~zookeperhome/data/*
> *clientPort=9000*
> *2.) * I testing with a single core Solr server called 'items_en'. I have
> the configuration is as follows:
> *Indexes conf/data tree*: /mnt/data-store*/solr/*
>                                                    /solr.xml
>                                                    /zoo.cfg
>                                                    /items_en/
>                                                                  /conf/
> schema.xml
> solrconfig.xml
>                                                                         etc.
> So we have a simple configuration where conf files and data indexes files
> are in the same path.
> *3.)* Ok, so we have Solr server configured, but I have to save into
> Zookeper the configuration. I do as follows:
> *./bin/zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost -confdir *
> /mnt/data-store/solr/*items_en/conf -collection items_en -confname items_en
> *
> And seems to work perfectly, because if I use Zookeper client and executes
> 'ls' command the files appear:
> *./bin/zkCli.sh -server localhost:9000
> *
> *
> *
> *[zk: localhost:9000(CONNECTED) 1] ls /configs/items_en*
> *[admin-extra.menu-top.html, currency.xml, protwords.txt,
> mapping-FoldToASCII.txt, solrconfig.xml, lang, spellings.txt,
> mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt, admin-extra.html, xslt, scripts.conf,
> synonyms.txt, update-script.js, velocity, elevate.xml, zoo.cfg,
> admin-extra.menu-bottom.html, stopwords_en.txt, schema.xml]*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *4.) *I would like that all the Solr servers deployed in that Tomcat
> instance points to Zookeper port 9000 service, so I included the following
> JAVA_OPTS hoping that they´ll make that posible:
> *JAVA_OPTS="-DzkHost= -Dcollection.configName=items_en
> -DnumShards=2" *
> *
> *
> *Question 1: suposing that JAVA_OPTS are OK, do you think there exists a
> more flexible and less fixed way to indicate to each Solr server instance
> which is it´s Zookeper service?*

Your zkHost should actually be a comma sep list of the zk hosts. Yes,
we hope to improve this in the future as zookeeper becomes more

> *
> *
> *Question 2: can you increment the numShards later even after an
> indexation? Example: imagine that you have millions of documents and you
> want to expand from two to four shards and increment aswell the number of
> Solr servers*

You can't change the number of shards yet - there is an open jira
issue for this and ongoing work. It's been called shard splitting.

> *
> *
> *Question 3: do again suposing that JAVA_OPTS is OK (or near to be OK), is
> it necessary to include always -DnumShard per each Tomcat server? Can' t
> this confuse Zookeeper instance?*

It depends on how you start your instances. The first one is the only
one that matters - it only makes sense to specify for each instance if
you plan on starting them all at the same time and are not sure which
the first to register in zk will be.

> *
> *
> *Question 4: **imagine that we have three Zookeeper instances to manage
> config files in production environment. The parameter -DzkHost should be
> like this? -DzkHost=host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3.*


> *
> *
> *5.) *I started *Tomcat (port 8080)* with a single Solr server and
> everything seems to be OK: there is a single core setted as 'items_en' and
> Cloud button is active. The graph is a simple tree with shard1 and shard2.
> Connected to shard1 is the current instance. *Also, if I execute any query
> I just receive a 503 error code: "no servers hosting".*
> *

Not sure why offhand - if you are not passing jetty.port (or something
else if you have renamed it - like tomcat.port), that will be a

> *
> *
> *
> *6.) *I started another Solr server in a* second Tomcat instance (port
> 9080). *Its Solr home is in the following path:
> *Indexes conf/data tree*: /mnt/data-store*/solr2/*
>                                                    /solr.xml
>                                                    /zoo.cfg
>                                                    /items_en/
>                                                                  /conf/
> schema.xml
> solrconfig.xml
>                                                                         etc.
> Notice that I have a second Solr home for this second Solr server. Again,
> when depolying it in Tomcat the Cloud button is active, but when I analyze
> the graph it appears another empty tree/shard1+shard2 graph where shard1 is
> Solr server instance from Tomcat 9080. What I have expected is that this
> second Solr server instance becomes shard2, but it doesn´t. The most
> interesting thing is that I was watching in paralallel both Tomcat1 and
> Tomcat2 logs and they output some *"INFO: Updating live nodes"* traces, so
> I thought everything was allright, but it doesn´t, :-(*
> *
> *
> *
> *Question 5: ehem... what I´m doing wrong? Can anyone help me? I just one
> to follow the same example from SolrCloud wiki where there exists two
> application server instances, each one with a Solr server deployed in and
> each Solr server becomes shard1 and shard2.*

I'm guessing its the jetty.port issue until you tell me otherwise.

> *
> *
> *
> *
> Thank you very much for your help. At last I promise to write a detailed
> (and for dummies, like me) step by step tutorial about how to configure and
> deploy SolrCloud in Tomcat that I hope could help others.
> Regards,
> Luis Cappa.

- Mark

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