Not at present. What you're interested in is "shard splitting" which is
certainly on the roadmap but not implemented yet. To expand the
number of shards you'll have to reconfigure, then re-index.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Zeng Lames <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> we have an existing solr collection, 2 shards, numOfShard is 2. and there
> are already records in the index files. now we start another solr instance
> with ShardId= shard3, and found that Solr treat it as replicas.
> check the zookeeper data, found the range of shard doesn't
> change correspondingly. shard 1 is 0-7fffffff, while shard 2 is
> 80000000-ffffffff.
> is there any way to increase new shard for existing collection?
> thanks a lot!
> Lames

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