On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Roman Chyla <roman.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The code here:
> https://github.com/romanchyla/montysolr/blob/solr-trunk/contrib/adsabs/src/test/org/adsabs/lucene/BenchmarkAuthorSearch.java
> The benchmark should probably not be called 'benchmark', do you think it
> may be too simplistic? Can we expect some bad surprises somewhere?
I think maybe a few surprises, since it extends LuceneTestCase and uses
RandomIndexWriter, newSearcher and so on, the benchmark results can be

This stuff is fantastic to use for tests but for benchmarks may cause

For example you might run it and it gets SimpleText codec, maybe wraps the
indexsearcher with slow things like ParallelReader, and maybe you get
horrific merge parameters and so on.

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