We have a longstanding issue with "failed to respond" errors in Solr when our 
coordinator is querying our Solr shards.

To elaborate further...  we're using the built-in distributed capabilities of 
Solr 3.6, and using Jetty as our server.  Occasionally, we will have a query 
fail due to an error like 
"org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException: The server 
solr-shard-13 failed to respond" when the Solr coordinator is sending a request 
to one of its shards.  Over the long term, this happens for about 1 out of 3000 
queries.  The quick fix of simply retrying the query when such an intermittent 
error occurs works fine, but I'm trying to figure out what the root cause might 

I've got lots of theories and possible fixes, but was hoping someone had run 
into this before and knows the answer straight away :)


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