Hi Shawn,

actually I use munin for monitoring but just checked with jvisualvm
which also runs fine for remote monitoring.

You might try the following:

You have to:
- generate a policy file on the server to be monitored
- start jstatd on the server to be monitored
- have jmx enabled for jetty or tomcat or ...
- should have jmx protected with password

password protection for jetty:

jmxremote.access looks like:
monitorRole readonly
controlRole readwrite

jmxremote.password looks like:
monitorRole solr4monitor
controlRole solr4control

If eveything is set correct then start jvisualvm, right click on Remote and
add a remote host. Enter IP address into Hostname and click on OK.
Now you have the connection to jstatd on the remote host which will show
jstatd and start.jar of remote host.
Then click on start.jar and you will be asked for username and password.
Enter "controlRole" as username and "solr4control" as password.


Am 18.12.2012 18:21, schrieb Shawn Heisey:
> If I connect jconsole to a remote Solr installation (or any app) using jmx, 
> all the graphs are populated except 'threads' ... is this expected,
> or have I done something wrong?  I can't seem to locate the answer with 
> google.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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