I am running against a networked Solr4 installation -- but not using
any of the cloud apparatus. I wish to update a document (Node) with
new information. I send back as a partial update using SolrJ's add()
document id
the new or updated field
version number precisely as it was fetched

What I get back is an error message:
version conflict for MyFirstNode1356582803755
expected=1422480157168369664 actual=1422480158385766400

When I look at that document in the admin browser, it looks like this:
    "TupleListProperty": [
    "_version_": 1422480158385766400,
    "LocatorPropertyType": "MyFirstNode1356582803755"

which means all the other data in that node were replaced.

There must be something obvious I am missing. Is there a particular
recipe online using SolrJ to do this properly?

Many thanks in advance

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