
I'd like to use two separate indexes (Solr 3.6.1).
I've read several wiki pages and looked at the multicore example bundled with the distribution but it seems I missing something.

I have this hierarchy :
-- conf
   -- solr.xml
   -- solrconfig.xml (if I don't put it, solr complains)
   -- schema.xml (idem)
   -- ...
-- cores
  -- dossier
     -- conf
        -- dataconfig.xml
        -- schema.xml
        -- solrconfig.xml
     -- data
  -- procedure
     -- conf
        -- dataconfig.xml
        -- schema.xml
        -- solrconfig.xml
     -- data

Here's the content of my solr.xml file :

And I launch my servlet container with -Dsolr.solr.home=my-directory/solr-home.

I've put nearly nothing in my solr-home/conf/schema.xml so Solr complains, but that's not the point.

When I go to the admin of core "dossier",
http://localhost:8080/solr/dossier/admin, the container says it doesn't exist. But when I go to http://localhost:8080/solr/admin it finds it, which makes me guess that Solr is stil in "single core" mode.

What am I missing ?

Bruno Dusausoy
Software Engineer
YP5 Software
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