To be more clear lets say bob it the leader of core 1. On bob do a 
/admin/cores?action=unload&name=core1. This removes the core/shard from bob, 
giving the other servers a chance to grab leader props.


On Feb 2, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Brett Hoerner <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a 5 server cluster running 1 collection with 20 shards, replication
> factor of 2.
> Earlier this week I had to do a rolling restart across the cluster, this
> worked great and the cluster stayed up the whole time. The problem is that
> the last node I restarted is now the leader of 0 shards, and is just
> holding replicas.
> I've noticed this node has abnormally high load average, while the other
> nodes (who have the same number of shards, but more leaders on average) are
> fine.
> First, I'm wondering if that loud could be related to being a 5x replica
> and 0x leader?
> Second, I was wondering if I could somehow flag single shards to re-elect a
> leader (or force a leader) so that I could more evenly distribute how many
> leader shards each physical server has running?
> Thanks.

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