On Feb 7, 2013, at 5:23 PM, Steffen Elberg Godskesen 
<steffen.godske...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Re (1): Am I right in thinking that a given update is sent to every replica 
> of the shard to which it belongs for analysis and indexing? And that there is 
> no immediate way to separate indexing from queries within a collection?

Right - this is required not only for NRT, but our durability/reliability 

If you want to separate out indexing, it's probably best to build the indexes 
offline, move them to the box and merge or place them into each Solr node. 

You might want to continue using the old master-slave architecture as one 

With a small amount of dev, having some polling replication for the index side 
and using solrcloud for the search side might be possible, though not 
necessarily a perfect marriage.

- Mark

> Re (2): Deploying new schema/config should be as simple as uploading to 
> ZooKeeper and reloading cores. Right? So for the case where the new 
> config/schema is compatible with the index we're good. For the other case, I 
> think we could do it by: Create a new collection, upload the new 
> config/schema to zookeeper, index into the new collection, switch queries to 
> the new collection, delete the old collection. Would this be the way to go? 
> Or is there a simpler way that I cannot see?

Yes, you can just deploy new config and reload. Reindexing is a different 
story. You have a variety of options - one would be to create a new cluster 
with the reindexed data and then flip over. I don't think any of that is really 
specific to SolrCloud vs Master->Slave.

- Mark

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