Matthew Shapiro [] wrote:

[Hardware for Solr]

> What type of hardware (at a high level) should I be looking for.  Are the
> main constraints disk I/O, memory size, processing power, etc...?

That depends on what you are trying to achieve. Broadly speaking, "simple" 
search and retrieval is mainly I/O bound. The easy way to handle that is to use 
SSDs as storage. However, a lot of people like the old school solution and 
compensates for the slow seeks of spinning drives by adding  RAM and doing 
warmup of the searcher or index files. So either SSD or RAM on the I/O side. If 
the corpus is non-trivial is size that is, which brings us to...

> Right now we have about 183 documents stored in the GSA (which will go up a
> lot once we are on Solr since the GSA is limiting).  The search systems are
> used to display core information on several of our homepages, so our search
> traffic is pretty significant (the GSA reports 5,683 searches in the last
> month, however I am 99% sure this is not correct and is not counting search
> requests without any search terms, which consists of most of our search
> traffic).

If the main amount of searches are the exact same (e.g. the empty search), the 
result will be cached. If 5,683 searches/month is the real count, this sounds 
like a very low amount of searches in a very limited corpus. Just about any 
machine should be fine. I guess I am missing something here. Could you 
elaborate a bit? How large is a document, how many do you expect to handle, 
what do you expect a query to look like, how should the result be presented?

Toke Eskildsen

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