Hi Pragyanshis,

What happens when you remove bq parameter? 

--- On Thu, 2/14/13, Pragyanshis Pattanaik <pragyans...@outlook.com> wrote:

> From: Pragyanshis Pattanaik <pragyans...@outlook.com>
> Subject: Why a phrase is getting searched against default fields in solr
> To: "solr Forum" <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Date: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 8:24 AM
> Hi,
> This might be a very silly question but i want to know why
> this is happening.If i am using edismax query parser in solr
> and passing query something like below
> q=IPhone5&wt=xml&edismax=true&qf=Product-Name-0^100&bq=(Product-Rating-0%3A7^300+OR+Product-Rating-0%3A8^400+OR+Product-Rating-0%3A9^500+OR+Product-Rating-0%3A10^600+OR+Product-Rating-0%3A*)
> Then why it is searching in default fields ?As i am
> specifying qf,it should search in the fields specified in qf
> parameter and boost those documents which has a higher
> rating.
> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.Note:-I am
> using SOLR 4.0 Alpha
> Thanks,Pragyanshis    

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