: Hi everyone, i am new to solr technology and not getting a way to get back
: the original HTML document with Hits highlighted into it. what
: configuration and where i can do to instruct SolrCell/ Tika so that it does
: not strips down the tags of HTML document in the content field.

I _think_ what you want is simply to ensure that you have a "content" 
field in your schema which is stored="true" (and indexed="true" if you 
want to serach on it directly) ... and then ExtractingRequestHandler will 
put the entire XHTML it generates from the documents you index into that 


If that isn't what you had in mind, then you need to provide us with more 
details about what you've tried, what results you get, and how exactly 
those results differ fro mwhat you want to get.


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