Hello Solr Users,

I just wrote up a piece about some work I did recently to improve the
throughput of distributed search.


The short of it is that the stale check in Apache's HTTP Client used by
SolrJ can add a lot of latency to a distributed search request.  Especially
given that distributed search is actually made up of 2 stages, each of
which must perform its own stale check.  For my particular benchmark setup
I saw a 2-4x increase in throughput and 100ms+ drop in latency.  All my
work has been done in context of a larger project, Yokozuna [1], and thus
the patch is currently local to that project.  I would like to see a
similar fix made upstream and that is why I am posting here.  I was hoping
the Solr sages could offer their input.  My fix is very basic, simply
disabling the check and adding a sweeper thread to prevent socket reset
errors [2].  But if I had more time I think a rewrite using the latest
Apache HTTP Components might be in order.  I'm not sure.  I'm happy to
answer any questions and give more details on my test setup.


[1] https://github.com/rzezeski/yokozuna


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