Hi Teun,

In the past I've done this by creating a separate field that contains just the 
first letter of the original field, and faceting on that.  So say you've got a 
'colour' field with contents [red, yellow, blue], then you'd add a 
'colourPrefix' field with contents [r, y, b] and facet/filter on that.

Alan Woodward

On 27 Feb 2013, at 07:01, Teun Duynstee wrote:

> What I really miss in the SimpleFaceting component is the ability to get
> facets not of the full term, but grouped by the first letter(s). I wrote a
> Jira issue on this ( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4496). I
> also wrote a patch with a rather simplistic first try of an implementation.
> Now that I've had a better look at faceting multi valued fields and the
> inner working of UninvertedField, I see that doing it right is harder than
> I thought, but I'd still like to give it a try.
> So can anyone give me some tips on how to approach this? Should I treat the
> facet on the first letters as a completely independent field? Should I
> build the index based on the index of the complete field? By the nature of
> this kind of facet, you'll always have a fairly limited number of terms.
> Thanks a lot,
> Teun

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