Hello, thank you for response!

Configuration option <semanticsMode> does not help - it's probably not yet implemented. I found however the line of code which checks versions:

Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
long foundVersion = lastVersion == null ? -1 : lastVersion;
if ( versionOnUpdate == foundVersion || (versionOnUpdate < 0 && foundVersion < 0) || (versionOnUpdate==1 && foundVersion > 0) ) // we're ok if versions match, or if both are negative (all missing docs are equal), or if cmd
// specified it must exist (versionOnUpdate==1) and it does.
} else {throw...}

It looks strange to me that if there is no document yet (foundVersion < 0) then the only case when document will be imported is when input version is negative. Guess I need to test specific cases using SolrJ or smth. to be sure.

Anyway I'll also check if I can inherit from SolrEntityProcessor and override _version_ field there before insertion.

Warm regards,
Artem Karpenko

On 13.03.2013 14:18, Alexandre Rafalovitch wrote:
I believe you are running into the update semantics, new with Solr 4
(4.1?): https://wiki.apache.org/solr/Per%20Steffensen/Update%20semantics I
am not sure Wiki is 100% correct (especially on default mode), but it
should be good enough.

Basically, because you are specifying some real value in _version_ field,
Solr assumes it is an update operation and expects the already stored field
to have the same value (to avoid concurrent update issues).

You probably want to temporarily switch to override mode, which is
'classic' as described in the link above. Then, after indexing, you can
reset the configuration.


Personal blog: http://blog.outerthoughts.com/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrerafalovitch
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all at
once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD book)

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:43 AM, Artem OXSEED <a.karpe...@oxseed.com> wrote:


I've configured data import handler:

<requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.**
     <lst name="defaults">
       <str name="config">data-config.xml<**/str>


     <entity name="sep" processor="**SolrEntityProcessor"
     url="http://host:8080/index"; query="*:*" wt="javabin"/>

Both Solr instances are of the same version - 4.1. Target Solr instance is
empty - no documents exist there.

During data import I see constant errors in console:

WARNING: Error creating document : SolrInputDocument[..., internal_id=**
2011042103204394408D878AC717F7**FB21ABF9ECD011CB7ED, ...,
_version_=1426404770097135617, ...]
org.apache.solr.common.**SolrException: version conflict for
expected=1426404770097135617 actual=-1
         at org.apache.solr.update.**processor.**
         at org.apache.solr.update.**processor.**
         at org.apache.solr.update.**processor.LogUpdateProcessor.**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.SolrWriter.upload(**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DataImportHandler$**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DocBuilder.**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DocBuilder.**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DocBuilder.**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DocBuilder.execute(**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DataImporter.**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DataImporter.**
         at org.apache.solr.handler.**dataimport.DataImporter$1.run(**

(internal_id field is a unique key)

No documents are therefore being imported. It's interesting to note that
data in the source Solr were imported there by the same data import
configuration from yet another Solr instance - only from an older version
(with wt="xml" of course). That old data did not contain _version_ field
(Solr 1.4.1) so this problem could not appear at all.

I've tried specifying a few fields in fl parameter of SolrEntityProcessor,
without including _version_ field - it works. So I guess the last way would
be to specify all document fields there excluding _version_ - but it's not
convenient at all.

Any ideas on what might be a problem here?

Warm regards,
Artem Karpenko

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