I am currently looking at moving our Solr cluster to 4.2 and noticed a
strange issue while testing today.  Specifically the replica has a higher
version than the master which is causing the index to not replicate.
 Because of this the replica has fewer documents than the master.  What
could cause this and how can I resolve it short of taking down the index
and scping the right version in?

Last Modified:about an hour ago
Num Docs:164880
Max Doc:164880
Deleted Docs:0
Segment Count:23

Last Modified: about an hour ago
Num Docs:164773
Max Doc:164773
Deleted Docs:0
Segment Count:30

in the replicas log it says this:

INFO: Creating new http client,

Apr 2, 2013 8:15:06 PM org.apache.solr.update.PeerSync sync

INFO: PeerSync: core=dsc-shard5-core2
url= replicas=[] nUpdates=100

Apr 2, 2013 8:15:06 PM org.apache.solr.update.PeerSync handleVersions

INFO: PeerSync: core=dsc-shard5-core2 url=
Received 100 versions from

Apr 2, 2013 8:15:06 PM org.apache.solr.update.PeerSync handleVersions

INFO: PeerSync: core=dsc-shard5-core2 url=  Our
versions are newer. ourLowThreshold=1431233788792274944

Apr 2, 2013 8:15:06 PM org.apache.solr.update.PeerSync sync

INFO: PeerSync: core=dsc-shard5-core2
url= sync succeeded

which again seems to point that it thinks it has a newer version of the
index so it aborts.  This happened while having 10 threads indexing 10,000
items writing to a 6 shard (1 replica each) cluster.  Any thoughts on this
or what I should look for would be appreciated.

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