I do not really understand the query language of the SOLR-Queryparser.

I use SOLR 4.2 und I have nearly 200000 sample address records in the 

I only use the "q" field in the SOLR Admin Web GUI and every other 
controls  on this website is on default.

First category: 

zip:30*                 numFound=2896 

city:H* OR zip:30*      numFound=12519

city:H* AND zip:30*     numFound=376

These results seems to me correct.

Now I tried with negations:

!city:H*                numFound:194577    (seems to be correct)

!city:H* AND zip:30*    numFound:2520    (seems to be correct)

!city:H* OR zip:30*     numFound:2520    (!! this is wrong !!)

Or do I do not understand something?

(!city:H*) OR zip:30*    numFound: 2896  

This is also wrong.

Thanks for any hint to understand the negation handling of the query 

  Peter Schütt

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