Yes. Every node is really self-contained. When you send a doc to a
cluster where each shard has a replica, the raw doc is sent to
each node of that shard and indexed independently.

About old docs, it's the same as Solr 3.6. Data associated with
docs stays around in the index until it's merged away.

You cannot transfer just the indexed form of a document from one
core to another, you have to re-index the doc.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Furkan KAMACI <> wrote:
> Hi Jack;
> I see that SolrCloud makes everything automated. When I use SolrCloud is it
> true that: there may be more than one computer responsible for indexing at
> any time?
> 2013/4/15 Jack Krupansky <>
>> There are no masters or slaves in SolrCloud - it's fully distributed. Some
>> cluster nodes will be "leaders" (of the shard on that node) at a given
>> point in time, but different nodes may be leaders at different points in
>> time as they become "elected".
>> In a distributed cluster you would never want to store documents only on
>> one node. Sure, you can do that by setting the replication factor to 1, but
>> that defeats half the purpose for SolrCloud.
>> Index transfer is automatic - SolrCloud supports fully distributed update.
>> You might be getting confused with the old "Master-Slave-Replication"
>> model that Solr had (and still has) which is distinct from SolrCloud.
>> -- Jack Krupansky
>> -----Original Message----- From: Furkan KAMACI
>> Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:45 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Some Questions About Using Solr as Cloud
>> I read wiki and reading SolrGuide of Lucidworks. However I want to clear
>> something in my mind. Here are my questions:
>> 1) Does SolrCloud lets a multi master design (is there any document that I
>> can read about it)?
>> 2) Let's assume that I use multiple cores i.e. core A and core B. Let's
>> assume that there is a document just indexed at core B. If I send a search
>> request to core A can I get result?
>> 3) When I use multi master design (if exists) can I transfer one master's
>> index data into another (with its slaves or not)?
>> 4) When I use multi core design can I transfer one index data into another
>> core or anywhere else?
>> By the way thanks for the quick responses and kindness at mail list.

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