Shawn Heisey wrote:

> Solr does have some *very* limited capability for doing joins between
indexes, but generally speaking, you need to flatten the data.


So, using a dynamic schema I'd flatten the following JSON object graph

  'obj1': {
    'child1': {
      'prop1': ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
      'prop2': 123
     'prop3': 'val4'
  'obj2': {
    'child2': {
      'prop3': true

to a Solr document something like this?

'obj1/child1/prop1_ss': ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'],
'obj1/child1/prop2_i': 123,
'obj1/prop3_s': 'val4',
'obj2/child2/prop3_b': true

I'm using Java, so I'd probably push docs for indexing to Solr and do the
searches using SolrJ, right?

> Solr's ability to change your data after receiving it is fairly limited.
The schema has some ability in this regard for indexed values, > but the
stored data is 100% verbatim as Solr receives it. If you will be using the
dataimport handler, it does have some transform > capability before sending
to Solr. Most of the time, the rule of thumb is that changing the data on
the Solr side will require
> contrib/custom plugins, so it may be easier to do it before Solr receives

The data import handler is a Solr server side feature and not a client side?
Does Solr or SolrJ have any support for doing transformations on the client
Doing the above transformation should be fairly straight forward, so it
could be also done by code on the client side.


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