We are using Solr 3.6.2 single core ( both index and query on same machine)
and randomly the server fails to query correctly.  If we query from the
admin console the query is not even applied and it returns numFound count
equal to total docs in the index as if no query is made, and if use SOLRJ
to query it throws javabin error

Invalid version (expected 2, but 60) or the data in not in 'javabin' format

Once we restart the container everything is back to normal.

In the process of debugging the solr logs I found empty queries like the
one below. Can anybody tell me what can cause empty queries in the log as
given below so trying to see if it may be relateed to the solr issues

webapp=/solr path=/select params={} hits=21727 status=0 QTime=24 |#]

Would Appreciate any pointers


Ravi Kiran Bhaskar

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