I've been very interested in the transient core feature of solr to manage a
large number of cores. I'm especially interested in this use case, that the
wiki lists at http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LotsOfCores (looks to be down

>loadOnStartup=false transient=true: This is really the use-case. There are
a large number of cores in your system that are short-duration use. You
want Solr to load them as necessary, but unload them when the cache gets
full on an LRU basis.

I'm creating 10 transient core via core admin like so

$ curl "

and have "transientCacheSize=2" in my solr.xml file, which I take means I
should have at most 2 transient cores loaded at any time. The problem is
that these cores are still loaded when when I ask solr to list cores:

$ curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?wt=json&action=status";

>From the explanation in the wiki, it looks like solr would manage loading
and unloading transient cores for me without having to worry about them,
but this is not what's happening.

The situation is different when I restart solr; it does the "right thing"
by loading the maximum cores set by transientCacheSize. When I add more
cores, the old behavior happens again, where all created transient cores
are loaded in solr.

I'm using the development branch lucene_solr_4_3 to run my example. I can
open a jira if need be.

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