On 5/2/2013 3:13 PM, Utkarsh Sengar wrote:
> Hello,
> I updated my schema to use a copyField and have triggered a reindex, 80% of
> the reindexing is complete. Although when I query the data, I don't see
> "myNewCopyFieldName" being returned with the documents.
> Is there something wrong with my schema or I need to wait for the indexing
> to complete to see the new copyField?

After making sure that you restarted Solr (or reloaded the core) after
changing your schema, there are two things to mention:

1) Using stored="true" with a copyField doesn't make any sense, because
you already have the individual values stored with the source fields.  I
haven't done any testing, but Solr might ignore stored="true" on
copyField fields.

2) If I'm wrong about how Solr behaves with stored="true" on a
copyField, then a soft commit (4.x and later) or a hard commit with
openSearcher=true would be required to see changes from indexing.  Have
you committed your updates yet?


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