On 5/8/2013 9:20 AM, Shane Perry wrote:
I opened a Jira issue in Oct of 2011 which is still outstanding. I've
boosted the priority to Critical as each time I've upgraded Solr, I've had
to manually patch and build the jars.   There is a patch (for 3.6) attached
to the ticket. Is there someone with commit access who can take a look and
poke the fix through (preferably on 4.2 as well as 4.3)?  The ticket is

Your patch just ignores the problem so the request doesn't crash, it doesn't fix it. We need to fix whatever the problem is in HTMLStripCharFilter.

I had hoped I could come up with a quick fix, but it's proving too difficult for me to unravel. I can't even figure out it works on "good" analysis components like WhiteSpaceTokenizer, so I definitely can't see what the problem is for HTMLStripCharFilter.


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