I did a few more tests but still can't get my Solr giving me the group
counts on faceting instead of the document counts.
Any ideas?

On 17 May 2013 14:11, Elisabeth Adler <elisabeth.ad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am running a grouped query including facets in my Junit Test cases
> against a Solr 4.2.1 Embedded Server. When faceting the groups, I want the
> counts to reflect the number of groups, not the number of documents. But
> when I enable "&group.facet=true" on the query, the test fails with the
> following message:
> *** BEGIN testSearchByQuery(com.test.InsaneFieldCacheTest): Insane
> FieldCache usage(s) ***
> VALUEMISMATCH: Multiple distinct value objects for
> SegmentCoreReader(owner=_0(4.2.1):C12)+course_id
>     'SegmentCoreReader(owner=_0(4.2.1):C12)'=>'course_id',class
> org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues,0.5=>org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCacheImpl$SortedDocValuesImpl#297645694
> (size =~ 320 bytes)
> 'SegmentCoreReader(owner=_0(4.2.1):C12)'=>'course_id',int,org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCache.NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER=>org.apache.lucene.search.FieldCacheImpl$IntsFromArray#758496471
> (size =~ 80 bytes)
> *** END testSearchByQuery(com.test.InsaneFieldCacheTest): Insane
> FieldCache usage(s) ***
> When disabling the group.facet, the test runs as expected.
> I found a related issue where the same field was used for the facet and
> the group. I verified, the given query does not use the "course_id" field
> twice. The error message suggests that sorting on "course_id" was done and
> this is stored in the cache.
> I set up a copy-field, one for grouping (course_id_grouping) and one for
> all other uses (course_id). I got the message again, now for
> course_id_grouping. Disabling all caches did not help.
> I put a test case on
> https://github.com/lischen3229/solrInsaneFieldCacheErrorTest to replicate
> the issue.
> Any pointers on how to get the facets displaying the group counts instead
> of the document counts highly appreciated.
> Best,
> Elisabeth

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