
In 3.6, there's really no choice except to load all the cores on
startup. 10 minutes still seems excessive, do you perhaps have a
heavy-weight firstSearcher query?

Yes, soft commits are 4.x only, so that's not your problem.

There's a shareSchema option that tries to only load 1 copy of the
schema that should help, but that doesn't help with loading

Also in the 4.3+ world there's the option to lazily-load cores, see:
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LotsOfCores for the overview. Perhaps not
an option, but I thought I'd mention it.

But I'm afraid you're stuck. You might be able to run bigger hardware
(perhaps you're memory-starved). Other than that, you may need to use
more than one machine to get fast enough startup times.


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Zhang, Lisheng
<lisheng.zh...@broadvision.com> wrote:
> Thanks very much for quick helps! I searched but it seems that
> autoSoftCommit is solr 4x feature and we are still using 3.6.1?
> Best regards, Lisheng
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carlos Bonilla [mailto:carlosbonill...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:17 AM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: solr starting time takes too long
> Hi Lisheng,
> I had the same problem when I enabled the "autoSoftCommit" in
> solrconfig.xml. If you have it enabled, disabling it could fix your problem,
> Cheers.
> Carlos.
> 2013/5/22 Zhang, Lisheng <lisheng.zh...@broadvision.com>
>> Hi,
>> We are using solr 3.6.1, our application has many cores (more than 1K),
>> the problem is that solr starting took a long time (>10m). Examing log
>> file and code we found that for each core we loaded many resources, but
>> in our app, we are sure we are always using the same solrconfig.xml and
>> schema.xml for all cores. While we can config schema.xml to be shared,
>> we cannot share SolrConfig object. But looking inside SolrConfig code,
>> we donot use any of the cache.
>> Could we somehow change config (or source code) to share resource between
>> cores to reduce solr starting time?
>> Thanks very much for helps, Lisheng

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