hi all

I wanted to know is there a way I can sort the my documents based on 3
I have fields like pop(which is basically frequency of the term searched
history) and autosug(auto suggested words) and initial_boost(copy field of
autosug such that only match with initial term match having
whole sentence saved as one token)

Now I want the documents to be returned as:

   1. initial_boost with pop of 192
   2. initial_boost with pop of 156
   3. initial_boost with pop of 120
   4. autosug with pop of 205
   5. autosug with pop of 180
   6. autosug with pop of 112

I have tried using boosting the initial_boost field but without the sort it
does the above boost to the initial_boost than autosug but as I add sort=pop
desc documents gets sorted according to pop field disturbing the boost on
the fields that I had set.
help anyone...

thanks in advance.

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