Hello Folks,

Sorry, my last email was a bit messy, so I am sending it again.

I have a question about coordination factor to ensure my understanding
of this value is correct.

If I have documents that contain some keywords like the following:
  Doc1: A, B, C
  Doc2: A, C
  Doc3: B, C

And my query is "A OR B OR C OR D". In this case, Coord factor value
for each documents will be the following:
 Doc1: 3/4
 Doc2: 2/4
 Doc3: 2/4

In the same fashion, respective value of coord factor is the following
if I have a query "C OR D":
 Doc1: 1/2
 Doc2: 1/2
 Doc3: 1/2

Is this correct? or Did I miss something?

Please correct me if I am wrong.


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