What does analyzer screen say in the Web AdminUI when you try to do that?
Also, what are the tokens stored in the field (also in Web AdminUI).

I think it is very strange to have TextField without a tokenizer chain.
Maybe you get a standard one assigned by default, but I don't know what the
standard chain would be.


On 28 May 2013 04:44, "Michał Matulka" <michal.matu...@gowork.pl> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got following problem. I have a text type in my schema and a field
> "name" of that type.
> That field contains a data, there is, for example, record that has
> "300letters" as name.
> Now field type definition:
> <fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField"></**fieldType>
> And, of course, field definition:
> <fieldname="name"type="text"**indexed="true"stored="true"/>
> yes, that's all - there are no tokenizers.
> And now time for my question:
> Why following queries:
> name:300
> and
> name:letters
> are returning that result, but:
> name:300letters
> is not (0 results)?
> Best regards,
> Michał Matulka

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