On 5/28/2013 12:31 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:
(a) The usual tutorials outline something like

WHERE LASTMODIFIED > '${dih.last_index_time}


(b) I see that "last_index_time" returns a particularly fixed format.
In our database, with a modestly more complex SELECT, we also could
figure out which entities have been changed using some protocol table
which includes timestamps in seconds since EPOCH. Is there some way of
retrieving such a timestamp from DataImportHandler or will I have to do
so somehow on my own?

Your situation sounds like mine. I found a workaround, but filed SOLR-1920 anyway to try and get support for tracking something besides the current time. After nearly three years with no motion, and not being able to do it myself, I finally closed it:


My workaround was to store the highest indexed autoincrement value in a location outside Solr. In my original Perl code, I dropped it into a file on NFS. The latest iteration of my indexing code (Java, using SolrJ) no longer uses DIH for regular indexing, but it still uses that stored autoincrement value, this time in another database table. I do still use full-import for complete index rebuilds.

You can pass arbitrary parameters into Solr via the dataimport URL. If you pass in a variable called maxId, then you can access that in your DIH config with ${dih.request.maxId} and use it any way you like.


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