Hi there,

Checked out branch_4x and applied the latest patch
LUCENE-2899-current.patch however I ran into 2 problems

Followed the wiki page instruction and set up a field with this type aiming
to keep nouns and verbs and do a facet on the field
<fieldType name="text_opennlp_nvf" class="solr.TextField"
        <tokenizer class="solr.OpenNLPTokenizerFactory"
        <filter class="solr.OpenNLPFilterFactory"
        <filter class="solr.FilterPayloadsFilterFactory"
        <filter class="solr.StripPayloadsFilterFactory"/>

Struggled to get that going until I put the extra parameter
keepPayloads="true" in as below. 
     <filter class="solr.FilterPayloadsFilterFactory" keepPayloads="true"

Question: am I doing the right thing? Is this a mistake on wiki 

Second problem:

Posted the document xml one by one to the solr and the result was what I

  <field name="id">1</field>
  <field name="text_opennlp_nvf">check in the hotel</field></doc>

However if I put multiple documents into the same xml file and post it in
one go only the first document gets processed( only 'check' and 'hotel' were
showing in the facet result.) 
  <field name="id">1</field>
  <field name="text_opennlp_nvf">check in the hotel</field>
  <field name="id">2</field>
  <field name="text_opennlp_nvf">removes the payloads</field>
  <field name="id">3</field>
  <field name="text_opennlp_nvf">retains only nouns and verbs </field>

Same problem when updated the data using csv upload.

Is that a bug or something I did wrong?

Thanks in advance!


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