
Can someone please tell me if there is a way to have a custom *`clustering
of the data`* from `solr` 'query' results? I am facing 2 issues currently:

 1. The `*Carrot*` clustering only applies clustering to the "paged"
results (i.e. in the current pagination's page results).

 2. I need to have custom clustering and classify results into certain
classes only (i.e. only few very specific words in the search results).
Like for example "Red", "Green", "Blue" etc... and not "hello World",
"Known World", "green world" etc.... -(if you know what I mean here) -
Where all these words in both Do and DoNot existing in the search results.

Please tell me how to achieve this. Perhaps Carrot/clustering is not needed
here and some other classifier is needed. So what to do here?

Basically, I cannot receive 1 million results, then process them via
PHP-Array to classify them as per need. The classification must be done
here in solr only.


Raheel Hasan

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