Hi all,

After upgrading from Solr 3.5 to 4.2.1, I noticed our filterCache hit ratio had 
dropped significantly.

Previously it was at 95+%, but now it's < 50%.

I enabled recording 100 entries for debugging, and in looking at them it seems 
that edismax (and faceting) is creating entries for me.

This is in a sharded setup, so it's a distributed search.

If I do a search for the string "bogus text" using edismax on two fields, I get 
an entry in each of the shard's filter caches that looks like:

item_+(((field1:bogus | field2:bogu) (field1:text | field2:text))~2):

Is this expected?

I have a similar situation happening during faceted search, even though my 
fields are single-value/untokenized strings, and I'm not using the enum facet 

But I'll get many, many entries in the filterCache for facet values, and they 
all look like "item_<facet field>:<facet value>:"

The net result of the above is that even with a very big filterCache size of 
2K, the hit ratio is still only 60%.

Thanks for any insights,

-- Ken

Ken Krugler
+1 530-210-6378
custom big data solutions & training
Hadoop, Cascading, Cassandra & Solr

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